
Kashmir- “The paradise on earth”. Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is one of the most beautiful treks in India. Many of the lakes on this trek are named after gods from Hindu Religion and come with interesting stories about the origin and existence. The most spectacular lakes on this trek are Gangabal, Vishansar, Krishnasar and Gadsar. The spectacular land of Kashmir still stands true in every sense. KGL trek is a trekking expedition of 68-75kms which commences from Sonamarg, reaches the highest point Gadsar Pass at 13,750 feet and concludes at Naranag at 7450 feet.


COST : 16,950/- + 5% GST ( This cost is Only for Indian Citizen) 

7 Nights 8 Days Available on request
Dates and Rates
date & duration price
  • Sorry no more departures available. You could get in touch with us at mailtrikon@gmail.com if you'd like to make a booking.
  • Itinerary

    We can arrange pick up vehicle from Srinagar on actual cost sharing basis. Otherwise you can reach directly at base camp Shitkadi village. Its 2km before Sonamarg town. Since there are no shops around ensure that you have all that you need already. Reporting at base camp. Stay in tent/homestay.

    Day 2 : SHITKADI TO NICHNAI – 11 KM – 6/7 HOURS.
    We start our trek today after breakfast. First 2 hour you have ascent then some part descent. The trek goes down to the level of the Sindh river which flows in between the mud track and the main road. The trekking trail starts along the track but quickly diverts higher up. 10 minutes into the trek, the trail bends left and enters a green meadow. This directly overlooks Sonamarg town.
    At the tree line, the trail quickly descends to a tiny brook and then climbs again. What follows next is a lovely dense forest of Maple trees. The trail now is along the right bank of the river going upstream. Look behind to see snow-clad peaks from Sonamarg valley. Stay in Tent.

    Medium climb to Nichnai pass 13,500ft. Small descent followed by a long flat meadow walk ending near Vishansar Lake. The days trek is a long walk on meadows with the scenery changing for the better all along. The pass is visible at a distance from the campsite. It lies just to the right of the twin snow clad peaks as you climb notice e a small lake at the foot of the mountains. The lake is deep blue in color and you can sense your expectations rising of the main lakes to come on this trek. The pass is deceptive. The ridge seen from the meadow below is not the pass. BSNL phone network tends to work here most times. This is the last point on the trek where you get phone network. The next sign of network is only when you move beyond Gangabal. In the next hour the rocks give way to grass. Red flowers spring out next to your feet. What you see ahead is a wide green meadow stretching for miles with mountains lining the sides. A new river flows down from the pass into the meadow ahead.

    The next lake in series is the Krishansar lake. The Krishansar lake lies just about half km away and 500ft higher than Vishansar. The Krishansar lake lies at the base of the Kishansar peak. It takes about 45 minute to reach Krishansar lake from the campsite. On the other side of the Gadsar pass stretches a long valley with 2-3 small lakes visible. Far in the distance lie a series of snow clad peaks. The peaks lie outside our Line of Control. Choose to make Gadsar you campsite for its sheer beauty but only if you can vow to leave the ground as neat as you found it to be. No one camps at Gadsar. There is a small abandoned army shelter near Gadsar. If you choose not to camp next to Gadsar, the next place to camp would be the Gadsar army camp. Continue on the downward trail from Gadsar and in half an hour the valley widens up. Spot another blue lake on the left of the valley. Notice the snow clad mountains now give way to lower barren mountains.Continue downhill and at the end of the third half hour, the army camp comes up. Gadsar army camp is just a small hut housing 5-8 army men.

    From the army camp move left towards the stream. The trail crosses the stream and heads up the mountain. The altitude at the stream is 10,600ft. The Satsar camp is at 12,000ft and almost 10 kms away. Crossing the stream is the easiest way to trek. If one really wants to avoid getting their feet wet in the icy cold water, then head to the bridge which a kilometer away and cross the stream.
    The climb up is steeper if one goes to the bridge. The landscape ahead is captivating. It is the 3rd line of defence from the LOC. The same process of ID checking, collection and questioning repeats here too. Finish this today so that tomorrow is a clean day of trekking. Ten minutes out of the army camp is the first of the Satsar lakes.

    The days trek goes up and down replicating the trek as a whole which mostly goes up and down. Trek up half an hour out of camp, to reach the biggest Satsar lake. The terrain is bouldery and it is more of a boulder hopping exercise than anything else. The Nundkhol lake lies at the base of the Harmukh peak. The Harmukh glacier hangs on the the sides of the rocky edges of the mountain. Both the Gangabal and Nundkhol are famous for trout fishing.The Gangabal lake is about 20 minutes away from Nundkhol.
    A fiery stream flows on the right of the two lakes connecting them. The stream has to be crossed to go to Gangabal from Nandkol. Gangabal is huge. A parikrama of either of the lakes will easily take an hour.

    The days trek is a killer on your toes and knees. From the Gangabal campsite head down along the stream towards the tree line. The Harmukh peak looks impressive when you look back. The green meadow has little yellow flowers growing all over and you start walking gingerly to avoid stepping over them. It is not rare to spot lot of people trekking up here from Naranag headed only to Gangabal.
    Naranag slowly comes in sight at around 8500ft but there is quite a bit more to go. The last stretch of the last day does become an endurance test but soon the stone paved village trek comes up and in no time you enter the main road of Narnag.

    Day 8 : BUFFER DAY.
    If  the weather will be not good then we will use buffer day at any day else move towards next camp. For all your travel plans include a buffer day to accommodate bad weather on the trek/political instability. This depends completely on the circumstances on the trek and situation in Kashmir.




    What is included in the tour

    • Transportation from Srinagar to Sonamarg and from Naranag to Srinagar
    • All Meals (vegetarian/egg) from dinner at day 1 to breakfast at day 7 Naranag.
    • Accommodation is included from Day 1 to Day 7 (Sonamarg to Gangabal). stay in tent (triple sharing).
    • Qualified & experienced trek Leader, Guide and Support staff.
    • Trek equipment: Tent, Sleeping bag, matt, kitchen tent, toilet tent.
    • First aid medical kits and oxygen cylinder.
    • Trek and Camping permits.

    What is NOT included in the tour

    • Hotel stay in srinagar.
    • Food during the transit.
    • Any kind of insurance during the trek or transit.
    • If you prefer to offload your bag and carried by our horse/porter then an additional Rucksack offloading charge.
    • Anything is NOT mentioned in the “Inclusions” or personal in nature.
    • ANY Local GR Charges (If Govt will take)..
    • Buffer Day Cost (If the buffer day is used, you have to pay us Rs. 2,150 per day (INR). The money will be collected by the Trek Leader only if we use the buffer day.
    • 5% GST